Relocating to the US – Bay Area or New York City?

In my previous post, I have discussed why it’s almost always better for an Israeli startup CEO to move to the US as the company matures. But before you relocate, you need to decide where to set up your company’s main US office. This is an incredibly important decision and a discussion that occurs in… Continue reading Relocating to the US – Bay Area or New York City?

Relocating to the US – the dilemma every Israeli entrepreneur faces

Most Israeli startups target the U.S. as their primary market. As an Israeli entrepreneur, your customers, partners, potential acquirers, future investors, and most importantly, your competitors – are mainly based in the United States. Almost by definition Israeli startups start with an inherent disadvantage when trying to win the U.S. market. At some point, Israeli… Continue reading Relocating to the US – the dilemma every Israeli entrepreneur faces

The stark difference between US and Israeli VCs

We see it over and over again: Israeli entrepreneurs coming back from a fundraising roadshow in the Valley excited and hopeful. They met some of the top investors in the world during their visit and generally heard positive feedback. For the most part, the investors they met seemed genuinely interested and indicated that they want… Continue reading The stark difference between US and Israeli VCs

Mobileye’s acquisition: Breaking the myth about Israeli startups

Intel announced today that it has agreed to buy Israeli driverless technology firm Mobileye for $15.3 billion, the largest ever acquisition of an Israeli high-tech company. But besides the great outcome for Mobileye’s co-founders and early investors and the obvious benefits to the local tech scene, this deal finally breaks the myth that Israeli startups… Continue reading Mobileye’s acquisition: Breaking the myth about Israeli startups

What makes (Israeli) startups succeed?

It has been a good year so far for our Israeli-based portfolio companies with four exits totaling more than $1.2 Billion. Early this year, Altair was acquired by Sony Semiconductor for $212M, which was the first acquisition ever for the Japanese company in Israel. Then Oracle announced the acquisition of virtualization company Ravello Systems, and… Continue reading What makes (Israeli) startups succeed?

Israel should be the first country to support driverless cars

Vehicles that drive themselves are no longer just fantasies. Driverless Cars, also called Autonomous Vehicles (AV), became mainstream in 2010 when Google unveiled a car that drove itself on California freeways. Today, every major auto manufacturer and several large tech companies are working on developing autonomous vehicles. It is no longer a question of if,… Continue reading Israel should be the first country to support driverless cars

The Best Entrepreneurial Network In The World

Most people believe that the strongest entrepreneurial network in world is either Stanford, Harvard, Y Combinator or something alike. These are indeed incredible networks which created some of the world’s largest tech companies. They receive a vast amount of media coverage, attract some of the world’s top talent who wants to be associated with these brands, and enjoy a huge amount of funding and… Continue reading The Best Entrepreneurial Network In The World

Winning the away game

It is a well-known fact that sports teams benefit from a home court advantage. In fact, NBA teams consistently win about 60 percent of games that are played in their home arenas. The same phenomena is true for international startups which need to compete in the US, outside their comfort zone. This is always the… Continue reading Winning the away game

Pricing too low

Pricing right is one of the most tricky questions early-to-midstage startups face. On the one hand, you want to be cheap enough to make it a “no brainer” decision for your customers to adopt your product. But on the other hand, you want to make sure you are not leaving too much money on the table.… Continue reading Pricing too low

Don’t build a Swiss Army knife

One of the most common pitfalls for Israeli startups is trying to provide everything to everyone. Perhaps the reason for this phenomena is that many of the Israeli startups are led by teams of strong technologists who invest heavily in product capabilities and feel pride when their product outperforms competition in EVERY angle and feature. Moreover, it is often not a… Continue reading Don’t build a Swiss Army knife